In the News
That real-life cover of the October 18, 2017 issue of Town & Style magazine captures the Junior-K kids (4- to 5-year-olds) with their science teacher Christine Torlina up at the Kennedy Woods Savanna in Forest Park for the Junior-K Naturalist Program. They found the turtle in their explorations. What are the odds? Firsthand learning.
THE STORY BEHIND THE COVER PHOTO: When her shoe tapped what she thought was a rock, one of the girls discovered the turtle Ms. Torlina is holding. It was Georgette, a box turtle with a transmitter on her back to track her whereabouts, health and wellbeing. Read Georgette’s amazing story. She’s quite a turtle!
Town & Style writer Julie Johnson reports on Forsyth’s science program in her cover story, “Science in Action,” in interviews with two of Forsyth’s three science specialists. It’s rare to have a specialist teach science to 3- to 5-year-olds, but at Forsyth science begins in the early childhood program for children in Pre-K and Junior-K and by sixth grade, science is focused on the human body for the entire year.
>> Read the Town & Style story.
In web news stories, you can read about the Junior-K Naturalist Program, how sixth graders design cell membrane models and got a firsthand lesson on the human brain, and how second grade bioengineers design leg braces. There are many other stories documenting the Forsyth School experience. Visit often.