62 Entries, 67 Awards
Forsyth School 2017 Science Fair winners
Just look at these numbers for the 2017 Greater St. Louis Science Fair: 89 Forsyth School students in Senior-K – Grade 6 entered 62 Science Fair projects (some projects were team efforts) and won 67 awards.
It’s a new record for Forsyth, an increase of 63% in Science Fair project entries over last year’s record participation of 38 projects entered. For two years running, all of Forsyth School’s Science Fair entries have been award winning with special awards in addition to the blue, red and green ribbons.
Take a look at this list of Forsyth School Entries & Awards.
20 Blue Ribbons [1st Place]
22 Red Ribbons [2nd Place]
20 Green Ribbons [3rd Place]
5 Special Awards
>> Challenger Learning Center Special Award: Do the Phases of the Moon Affect the Absences of First Graders?, a Grade 1 project
>> American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Special Award: The Need for Speed. Which surfaces affect car speed the most?, a Grade 2 project
>> Monsanto Special Award: Crystals: Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Cold, Some Like it in the Pot Nine Days Old, a Grade 5 project
>> Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics of St. Louis Special Award: Powerful Protein and Crazy Carbohydrates, a Grade 5 team project
>> Academy of Science St Louis Special Award: Making Up Bacteria, a Grade 6 team project
Clearly, Forsyth kids are passionate about science, and credit goes to their science teachers: Christine Torlina, Lower School science [Pre-K–Grade 2]; Sharon Anibal, Grades 2-5 science; and Anne Deken, Grade 6 science. Fortunately, Forsyth parents share this enthusiasm for science. Special thanks to our 13 parent volunteers for serving as judges at the Greater St. Louis Science Fair. Without these volunteer judges, we could not have entered this record number of projects.