6235 Wydown Boulevard | St. Louis, MO 63105
314.726.4542 |
Primary Contacts
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Loretta Ewing
DeAnn Pomatto
Director of Admission & Enrollment Management
Allison Sieputowski
Executive & Admission Assistant
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Barb Alexander
Junior-Kindergarten, Co-Director of Summer Discovery
Adam Meesey
Co-Director of Summer Discovery
Driving Directions
From Eastbound I-64 / US-40:
- Take the McCausland Avenue EXIT 33
- Turn left onto McCausland Avenue
- McCausland turns into South Skinker Boulevard at Clayton Road
- Continue straight (North) for 0.8 miles
- Turn left onto Wydown Boulevard and make a right into the parking lot (first right on Westbound Wydown)
- The Main Entrance to Forsyth School is 6235 Wydown (first house on Wydown)
From Westbound I-64 / US-40:
- Take the Clayton Road/Skinker Boulevard EXIT 34A
- Turn right onto South Skinker Boulevard
- Continue straight (North) for 0.8 miles
- Turn left onto Wydown Boulevard and make a right into the parking lot (first right on Westbound Wydown)
- The Main Entrance to Forsyth School is 6235 Wydown (first house on Wydown)