After taking some time to explore our website, I hope you have a better understanding of who we are as a community and the type of educational experience we offer. Searching for a school can be overwhelming—particularly in St. Louis, where there are so many options! Independent schools, however, have an opportunity to define themselves by their values.

At Forsyth, we believe that children are capable beyond imagination. We set high expectations and design learning experiences that enable students to learn deeply. The results are profound: children take risks, pursue challenges, and find joy in learning. The "Forsyth experience" is enriched by the school's unique campus and the deep sense of place that it fosters. Our historic, intimate buildings and beautiful green spaces encourage students of all ages to connect with one another and experience the richness of our diverse community.

An elementary school community is one of the most important a family will choose. It’s where children spend nearly 40 hours each week, and where families enjoy countless activities and events throughout many years. The ten years that encompass a full Forsyth School education are likely the longest your child(ren) will spend at any one educational institution. I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions when choosing a school:

  • What is the best fit for my child?
  • Where is my child likely to thrive?
  • What are the mission and values of the school? And does our family share those values?

To parents going through this process for the very first time, know that I am here to help you navigate all that is new and exciting! And to veteran parents, please know that I fully appreciate how the path can look and feel very different each go-around. I am here for you, too! Please contact me with any questions. I can't wait to begin this journey with you!

DeAnn Pomatto, Director of Admission & Enrollment Management